Welcome to RONSTITZ.DE
Science and politics news | Interactive learning through simulations, tutorials and MC quizzes
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Welcome to RONSTITZ.DE
Science and politics news | Interactive learning through simulations, tutorials and MC quizzes
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Welcome to RONSTITZ.DE

Science and politics news | Interactive learning through simulations, tutorials and MC quizzes
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    Hello and welcome to RONSTITZ.DE. On this humble web presence various news, mainly from scientific fields can be read. In addition, some offers from private sale are advertised on the site. As "Ulmer" I've put together some facts about the city with the largest church tower in the world in "Ulm". In "trips" you can see various photos of excursion destinations that in many cases can be reached from Ulm in no time at all. Since I also remember the hardships of a medical study vividly and currently also being a tutor for the EKM seminar, I am pointing out some helpful tips and tricks, as well as references to benefits for undergraduate students of human medicine especially in Ulm. Furthermore, in "Mathematics" and "Physics" some educational videos are linked, through which one can get some basic scientific insights into the respective subjects. Over time some content will be added that will complement the existing site. Have fun! Best regards, Ronald Stitz.

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